Friday 19 October 2012

Oh No, It's everywhere.


Now, I would usually start ranting at about this point but to be honest I have found far too much crap in the news that I cant really pick one subject to go on about. I actually found myself looking the other way instead of venting my rage into words for all to gaze upon and think "what a-da fook ees he on aboot".

So I am going to just blurb today. (Please note I am still very angry with everything - The BNP exist, ((most)) film makers are in it for the dosh not because they have a story to tell us, we eat too much sugars, we don't eat enough sugars, we have too much sex, we have too little sex, someone messed up their job, criminals are actually all right, the law is wrong bla bla bla and rant. But not today!

Today I am going to go into other things.
I have been using blogger as a great place to write a story, I found that if I was ranting I never really planned any of it, it just flowed out like a rage-filled... word...spurter... thing. So I thought I would try that with writing a story. It has been a long time since I did any writing, I think school was the last time I wrote anything in its entirety and I found the ideas flowed as easy as ranting. The problem I did find was that whenever I came to a persons name or a place name or any detail like that, my flow was stopped completely dead. and I scrapped the story. I have done this about 3 times now and eventually got the idea I am using now - No names, No place names.
"That is a terrible idea! How can nothing have a name?" I (predict to) hear you cry. Well fear not, it doesn't mean that. What I am doing in this story is using just the letter X for names. At first this was fine until more than one person was mentioned so I have developed a system. The main character is X0, his parents are X0mum and X0dad. The city he lives in is Xplace1 and anyone else will be something like X1enemytoX0 or X5petofX1. I am hoping it works out okay and I don't get too muddled up with who everyone is. But, the main point I have found with doing it this way is I can write for quite a while with no mental blocks and the ideas flow just like a rant. I do get sidetracked in the story itself but I think that fits in with the style of it and I am hoping to get a good chunk added to it soon.
I may post chapters on here as I do them or I may wait until I get to some kind of conclusion but we shall see how it goes.
I also wanted to point out how useful it is doing it as a blog. I can access it from any computer or even from my phone when I have an idea, note it down at the bottom and its saved online for me to access from wherever I want. Woo hoo, and all that.

 In other news,
I recently found my old hard drive and plugged it in to get a document off (I don't mean documents get their kicks out of hard drives being plugged in, I meant to remove a file from it. You never know though, who can say what documents get up to in their own time). AND I decided to have a look through my music files. There was quite a lot. The thing I found was the main music directory with all the playlists in but then separate sub folders with lists of the actual songs in. Instead of organising them, any music I got at a certain time went into a folder with a name like "new Music", "More new Music", Music Temp" and so on. The great thing I found was that as I looked through the lists of songs for each folder I could remember what was happening in my life at around that time, one list reminded me of Uni, One of before I had went another from living in different places. I could remember things I hadn't thought about since that time, we never truly forget anything, we just need the right trigger to re-awaken the memory. I think they say smell is the best trigger for memory recall, and I would have to agree. Just the slightest hint of someone's perfume that was the same as one of my primary school teachers can remind me of that person, then the classroom, then the school, then other teacher, then friends, lessons and lots of other things you did there. It also brings back such a wave of the emotions you felt at that time. Its crazy to think what you could do with the smell, the sound and a picture of a point in your past. How much detail could you recall? You see people returning to their old school many years later and all the memories that swarm back to them...
Memory, brilliant. The human brain is bloody amazing, it just boggles my brain trying to understand my brain. Can your brain understand itself? A fish doesn't know it is wet because it has never been dry. How can me know something about ourself if we haven't already known it? Urgh.... time for a lie down... and listen to some music.


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