Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Where am I


Vent No. 1. Why cant I find myself?
Fair enough if I search my name, or whatever more specific version of it I think will yeald a more satisfactory google result, I get zero results that are actually about me or I scroll down 20 pages in images to reveal a picture that I used as my profile picture on MySpace (ooooooh).

I do expect to find my firts ever blog by searching for it by name.... nothing, hmmm. I will search for my name Alex Alexander... nothing, Alex Alexander Blog... nothing, alex alexander blogSPOT... nothing and so on. I get plenty other Alex Alexanders, which I expect so I think try typing Firts Blog.... yeah there's a few of them too.

Ok lets be a bit more specific but not go the full hog - welcometothespa...  nope lots of people use that too, go a bit more specific and add blog. Only 2 results, both for some ones twitter, not me. nothing like the letters in the results.
Right google, last act of faith, I will search for the actual web address you gave me that if I type into the address bar will take me to the blog I wrote.....
Aaaand nothing, Spa Mom, Spa Whore, Cancer Shmancer, Wonderful Chill Out Music Africa Asia Oriental, not me. The exact letters in the exact order to find the blog through the address bar and it doesn't even come near to it on the search engine. Boo hoo.
Oh well, thanks Google, I am going to go and cry into a sandwich now. blog blog blog.


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