Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Here's one to start with

Firtsly, this may become just a vent for general frustration at everything I encounter, it may become much more, I don't know yet.

Secondly, Yes it says Firts.

It was spelled wrong by mistake, mistakes happen and to be honest it isn't that big a mistake, it's not like as soon as I wrote Firts all the tires near by were replaced with nukes. Nothing bad is really going to come of it, horses, puppies, kittens, chocolate still exist with the misspelling of words on the internet,  sometimes people just don't have the time to check over what they have written and in the end it still makes sense.
Yuo cna sitll raed tihs, adn aer azmead ervey tmie yuo do it on fceoaobk or aynhewre esle caimlnig taht is't smoe knid of speur pwoer. Tehse popele nveer gte croretced wtih "you said Cats intsead of Cat's, moron." Yuo jsut sikm oevr it adn mvoe on.

UH OH, here the come...... "Halt! you typed YOU'RE instead of YOUR! What are you playing at, this is the Internet, didn't you learn grammatical correctness before you came here!"
My response is, read it out loud to you'reself as if it were me speaking it to you and then pick out the errors, you cant because they both go Y-O-R, thank you english language.
If you do write anything that has your or you're used in the wrong place, I don't mind, I will know what you mean. In fact any corrected grammatical or spelling errors aren't going to solve anything in the long run, seriously, this is the internet, the home of 2 females and 1 drinking vessel, nobody told them they were doing it wrong.


This will probably end up me just talking to myself in long winded and going-no-where kind of ways.

and latsly, bye for now,
 A A

(not alcoholics anonymous. Alex Alexander or 2 telegraph pylons or 2 mountains, whatever A A looks like to you. If you look OK in a different way it looks like a stickman on his side.)

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