Monday, 22 October 2012

It's just frightening

Why oh why do mornings have to be so difficult?
You go to the trouble of getting the most comfortable bed for the best night sleep, even go to the trouble of putting yourself into it at a very reasonable time (since it was a Sunday night) and you wake up in the morning still very tired.
Yes, my Sunday was quite a busy one I was dancing in the morning then carrying and breaking logs in the afternoon (very manly feeling, they were heavy. The log part was notably more manly feeling than the dancing part but both quite actively tiring.) A good dinner then a relax on the sofa then sleep.
Now, morning comes along and a good interupted sleep is behind me but I want more....
And now the fact of a comfy bed, all beds are comfy, hell a cushion on the floor is comfy enough to sleep on but there is nowhere better than tucked up in a warm cosy bed on a cold morning. This is what I don't like, the comfyness and warmth when you neeeed to get up. Just 5 more minutes. Not necessarily 5 minutes to get more sleep, just 5 more minutes of bed before the cold reality of the world prickles your being into a goosebumped hobbling thing trying to clothe itself in any portable warmth and comfort there is around instead of the necessary daytime attire needed for that day.
But its never just 5 minutes, its 5, then 10, then 20 and then you are close to possibly ending up being late.
Curse you comfy beds, but only in the morning.
Now due to the height of my sleeping whereabouts at the minute I can actually just roll out of bed and onto the floor as a horrible quick wake up (usually after the 20 minutes I mentioned before and also the iclusion of a few alarms going off too) but a new bed is coming this week and I will be back on a proper matteress with, I am guessing, more comfort and a longer drop off the side to the floor. I do not know how I am going to get up now.
Also I found myself very comfortably sitting on the sofa today and then as a result maybe just nodding off for a bit. I don't really like naps during the day, they make me feel like its a whole new day and that I have missed what I did in the morning. I also don't like them because midday is usually a good time for people to call you.
Now if you are sleeping its usually nighttime and if someone calls you at night its usually an emergency. So, if some one calls me during the day and I am asleep I will most likely get a fright and answer the phone in a panicky state. On this ocassion it was a semi-important phone call from a business but it was someone that I knew.
They always sound surprised when you answer a phone with "Hello XX, are you alright?" With a slightly dopey sound in your voice at 1.15 in the afternoon.
You can always fess up, but I find the shock inside me is still too much and I can't help but feel I must try to continue unnoticed. It's like trying to convince your parents you aren't drunk, or anyone for that matter. You think for sure that they know and that at any minute they will furrow their quizical look even further and come out with "are you drunk?" And the situation turns back to the own up, deny it or pretend they didn't ask moment from the telephone call.

So to make it clear, I am not drunk at midday on a Monday, I sat down and had an unwanted, unexpected nap and was woken up by a telephone call. I am not even sure how long I was asleep.

Happy sleeping, whenever or wherever you have it.

Todays blog was brought to you by the words comfort/comfy/comfortable, sleep and the use of brackets.

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