Monday, 8 October 2012

Its one of those days

Yes, today is one of them.

Do you ever have those days when you think it would be better to find a hole, climb in, pop a lid on and pretend its a better life sitting in a hole with a lid on till everything else is gone. Then when you pop up out the hole it is going to be a wonderful new land of people who treat each other with respect. Greed is replaced with generosity and people are no longer just a bunch of cunts.

But no, because you would be dead by then. You cant exist in a hole no more than you can exist in a world where you scrape what you can from where you can to survive only to have someone come along and crush your fingers under their boot and take what you have because its how they have decided it should be. Do we stand up against them? No. We do what I am doing, we complain in private under false names on the safety of a world that doesn't exist. We use the cover of the internet to post how much we had a shit day, how much whatshisname has screwed us over or made us feel upset.
We make groups "like this to group to pretend-you-give-a-shit-about-the-world-and-claim-you-make-a-difference" or "save our heroes" or "make David Tennant prime minister". None of this will make a difference, your virtual world of hopes and lies cannot change the real world. You are still being suppressed.


Wait, we cant do that either. What happens to the people who stand up to make a difference? What happens to the protesters? What happens if you are sick of your job and decide to stand up to it?
You get fucked up. You get locked up. You get kicked out.

"Sir, there are protesters camping outside"
"Stop them, they're getting in the way of my money, they are breaking the law"
"What law sir?"
"The law we created. They are on my land!"
"but sir, its a piece of land, who did you get ownership of it from?"
"I bought it"
"Who did that person get it from?"
"They must have bought it too"
"Who did they get it from, and they from and they from?"
"They... they..."
"Some one at one point decided it was theirs and took someone else's money from them, they stole their money, sir"
"But I own it"
"You own stolen land sir, There is no real ownership of anything when you have money involved"
"I will get the tent and find you a nice spot down there sir"

How can you make a difference?
I don't know.

How did they used to make a difference? They used their spirit, their heart, their expression.
Music, Performance, Art. Their souls and ideas made visible for the sour scrutiny of the real world.
Can you express yourself now? No because to express yourself in the world of art and performance you need to get yourself to the status of celebrity first before the world can judge you. You don't need to be able to do any of these things now, just get your pretty faces onto the genitals of another celebrity agent and they will fuck the "talent" into you with a lovely computer powered robocock.

Did robocop ever have a catchphrase? or was it just the walk we replicated?

I have watched so many films and played so many games that I can think of some pretty epic ways to sort out the world. None of them really do-able and none of them that will end in a good way.
You could try doing it their way, slowly work your way up to power and try to run the county.
You could try to do as they do, get everyone else's money through theft and lies and call it a business - live with plenty of cash and all you ever need.
Actually just steal what should have no cost anyway and be arrested under their system of laws and judgement. - live with what you basically need in a confined room for a while and then get watched (more than usual) for the rest of your life.
Burn the mother fuckers to the ground. Start everything from zero, everyone is equal and must work together to survive - You need a meal, you find someone with food and bargain, work for them, exchange for something they need, actual transactions. Not some fake shiny metal or paper that has no real value, no one needs a house full of coins and notes, we need a house full of food and furnishings, we need things to survive and exist, not some shitty I O U that will never amount to anything.

Dear World,

I am sorry to announce that there has been a terrible mistake. What we thought was intelligent life that can co-exist with your eco system and live peacefully on your surface, is not.
In fact they seem to have found a way to torture every possible form of life around, including it's own species, for financial gain, which we did not create. One of them at some point found something shiny which they thought was of the same "value" as 3 of your goats for example. The shiny stuff was then divided up and used to exchange for necessities to what ever imaginary value they came up with. This idea stuck and now all actions seem to revolve around (no pun intended) this shiny stuff, or more recently the imaginary memory of what the value of this stuff used to be. All their "money" doesn't actually exist, it is just numbers on a computer screen that equates to nothing that is real.
They have also been killing other creatures for food, which is fine, that's what we expected but they are not returning the favour. If any of your creatures so much as looks at them funny they kill it for the sake of killing, they even have some of them contained in "zoo's" where other can come and stare at them as they slowly die.
Any way, If you could create one of those massive floods or whatever, we can see about giving you a new sensible lot. Any problems, let us know and we will use the old Massive-Rocks-From-Space trick again, seemed to work well for those reptiles that went a bit crazy.

All The Best,

And to top it all, I am trying to eat more healthily and this plate of delicious home made sweetness gets put next to me.
I fuckin love chocolate! but I am not going to eat all of it... at once.

Don't kill anyone.


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