Tuesday, 30 October 2012
It still smells like turnip after 2 days.
I am writing this And it is the day before Halloween.
I always loved Halloween but I never liked people knocking on my door and I never liked knocking on other peoples doors. I loved dressing up and going to parties, and playing games (I need to make sure I bob for apples this year!)
The dressing up bit was the best, when you are little you can run around giggling and shouting thinking how much fun it is, now I run around roaring and thinking how cool I feel.
But, like all things, Halloween has changed... a lot. We have become the American form of Halloween. Which isn't all bad, the spirit of it has grown beyond belief.
When I was little I remember going out and singing at doors to get either sweets or money and I am sure it involved a guy for bonfire night too. Now you get shit costumed kids saying trick or treat... fuck that... Trick! now what? They want CANDY, not sweets. Well I got sweets for those who earn it, be it through brilliant costumes or some kind of song or something.
I do have one trick though, its very Halloween themed, I swing a large gothic axe at their arms and as if by magic they don't fall off..... I am not very good at it.
As for the adult part of Halloween. MY GOD, I love getting dressed up, zombies are the best option. They are gruesome, scary and travel in packs, a herd of shambling, grunting, rotting, flesh eating monsters. Although you can do some other very cool ones, proper Vampires, Werewolves etc, the classics never go wrong. And Adult Halloween parties (not the kind you probably get when you google search those words, unless thats what you are in to) You can get dressed up and get drunk, then you really think you are what you came dressed as. But you go the whole hog to be a frightening costume, a real spirit of the dead. Do you think that some of the crap costumes are ACTUAL monsters coming to play with us? They just wear crapper costumes so we don't talk to them?
But what do the women wear? Hmmmm lets search for female Halloween costume... right Vampire for the Men... Sexy female Vampire for the girls. Ghost for the men... Sexy Skimpy Ghost for the girls. Werewolf for the Men... Sexy dog/animal girl for the ladies. A cool scary costume for the Men... Slut Slut Sluttison for the girls.
Now, I do know a lot of women who make a fuckin brilliant effort for costumes but I have seen some tarty tart crap in my experience. Yes, some women who are the right shape will look very attractive but its the mind set that comes with it, the do eyed, ditzy, everybody-look-at-me, mutha fuckin bimbo-ness that radiates from them and hangs like a floating snail-trail wherever they shuffle.
I work in a bar and these kinds of people dress like that even when it isn't Halloween, the short skirts, high-heels tottering around like the floor is covered in crabs, they never buy there own drinks and travel in small packs of testosterone hungry man sponges. Yup, that's how I think of them.
Anyway, it isn't just the women, you get guys doing it too. I saw a costume that was a giant condom packet, that was all it was. It said something like XXXXL condom. I look at that and I think " there is something a lot like a penis in his pants, only it's much much smaller." All those people, the ones who wear t-shirts of sexy girls kissing or semi clad ladies who look like they have been frozen solid while being electrocuted (you know the ones in the awkward poses with very blank or confused looks on their faces with their hair all messy) or have slogans like "King of Sex" or "I have the Biggest Penis in the World" where what they actually mean is " I am a complete Knob" or in more detail " I am a single conciousness being who is completely blind to others and the workings of this world. I am one of those people who has no understandings of social image in person or in respect to others and through my actions, along with many others, the world is rather quickly becoming a more stupid place than it already was." or TWAT for short. Those people are the ones who wear Halloween costumes that usually piss me off.
Back to the Zombies, they have unfortunately become the hipsters of the monster world. Everyone wants be a zombie because its cool, everyone wants a zombie apocalypse because its cool.
I find zombies cool, but a kind of feel that all this new age zombieness has missed the point, its like film remakes - wow, they look good but you have kind of missed the point.
Evil Dead - and all round sigh please 1.. 2.. 3...*sigh*
I have now seen the trailer for the remake of The Evil Dead, it looks stunning! I am always stunned at the amount of shiny CG you can get into a film, I love that the biggest reactions you get from seeing most films now is "Wow, It looked so real!" What happened during the film to make you think, that's fake but it looked so real? We all do it, in our heads we know its fake but we still give our own little victory when we think, it looked like it was real. The original Evil Dead looked real because it was, they were props and puppets and real locations and from what I heard real fear and blood at some points. That is what made that film great and that is why it became a cult movie. I am sure the new one will do well but I don't see why they didn't just call it Generic Teens Alone In The Forest With Monsters. If you are going to remake something, you have to capture the feeling of the original too, I doubt they will be able to make 2 and 3 after seeing just the trailer, It doesn't have the look of it. The only things I can see going for it will be people getting it mixed up with Evil Dead 2 and expect to see Ash (the lord of deadites) with his chainsaw hand and Boomstick because in the trailer you see a girl shop her hand off with a electric carving knife or because The first Evil Dead film has that ever popular scene with the tree... that tree... what a git. I want to see it, but I very highly doubt I will enjoy it.
Someone's in my fruit cellar, someone with a fresh soul. DEAD BY DAWN! DEAD BY DAWN!
Happy Halloween.
Bobbing for apples is great and all that but if you come to the party with an amazing face of make up and all the cool trimmings, its gonna come off when you come up with an apple in your mouth. I always just shoved my head all the way to the bottom of the bowl, is that allowed? Soaked, but I had an apple, I found wet apples tasted better.
I might just wear vampire fangs all day tomorrow and try to hide them so people think I am an actual vampire.
Monday, 22 October 2012
It's just frightening
You go to the trouble of getting the most comfortable bed for the best night sleep, even go to the trouble of putting yourself into it at a very reasonable time (since it was a Sunday night) and you wake up in the morning still very tired.
Yes, my Sunday was quite a busy one I was dancing in the morning then carrying and breaking logs in the afternoon (very manly feeling, they were heavy. The log part was notably more manly feeling than the dancing part but both quite actively tiring.) A good dinner then a relax on the sofa then sleep.
Now, morning comes along and a good interupted sleep is behind me but I want more....
And now the fact of a comfy bed, all beds are comfy, hell a cushion on the floor is comfy enough to sleep on but there is nowhere better than tucked up in a warm cosy bed on a cold morning. This is what I don't like, the comfyness and warmth when you neeeed to get up. Just 5 more minutes. Not necessarily 5 minutes to get more sleep, just 5 more minutes of bed before the cold reality of the world prickles your being into a goosebumped hobbling thing trying to clothe itself in any portable warmth and comfort there is around instead of the necessary daytime attire needed for that day.
But its never just 5 minutes, its 5, then 10, then 20 and then you are close to possibly ending up being late.
Curse you comfy beds, but only in the morning.
Now due to the height of my sleeping whereabouts at the minute I can actually just roll out of bed and onto the floor as a horrible quick wake up (usually after the 20 minutes I mentioned before and also the iclusion of a few alarms going off too) but a new bed is coming this week and I will be back on a proper matteress with, I am guessing, more comfort and a longer drop off the side to the floor. I do not know how I am going to get up now.
Also I found myself very comfortably sitting on the sofa today and then as a result maybe just nodding off for a bit. I don't really like naps during the day, they make me feel like its a whole new day and that I have missed what I did in the morning. I also don't like them because midday is usually a good time for people to call you.
Now if you are sleeping its usually nighttime and if someone calls you at night its usually an emergency. So, if some one calls me during the day and I am asleep I will most likely get a fright and answer the phone in a panicky state. On this ocassion it was a semi-important phone call from a business but it was someone that I knew.
They always sound surprised when you answer a phone with "Hello XX, are you alright?" With a slightly dopey sound in your voice at 1.15 in the afternoon.
You can always fess up, but I find the shock inside me is still too much and I can't help but feel I must try to continue unnoticed. It's like trying to convince your parents you aren't drunk, or anyone for that matter. You think for sure that they know and that at any minute they will furrow their quizical look even further and come out with "are you drunk?" And the situation turns back to the own up, deny it or pretend they didn't ask moment from the telephone call.
So to make it clear, I am not drunk at midday on a Monday, I sat down and had an unwanted, unexpected nap and was woken up by a telephone call. I am not even sure how long I was asleep.
Happy sleeping, whenever or wherever you have it.
Todays blog was brought to you by the words comfort/comfy/comfortable, sleep and the use of brackets.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Oh No, It's everywhere.
Now, I would usually start ranting at about this point but to be honest I have found far too much crap in the news that I cant really pick one subject to go on about. I actually found myself looking the other way instead of venting my rage into words for all to gaze upon and think "what a-da fook ees he on aboot".
So I am going to just blurb today. (Please note I am still very angry with everything - The BNP exist, ((most)) film makers are in it for the dosh not because they have a story to tell us, we eat too much sugars, we don't eat enough sugars, we have too much sex, we have too little sex, someone messed up their job, criminals are actually all right, the law is wrong bla bla bla and rant. But not today!
Today I am going to go into other things.
I have been using blogger as a great place to write a story, I found that if I was ranting I never really planned any of it, it just flowed out like a rage-filled... word...spurter... thing. So I thought I would try that with writing a story. It has been a long time since I did any writing, I think school was the last time I wrote anything in its entirety and I found the ideas flowed as easy as ranting. The problem I did find was that whenever I came to a persons name or a place name or any detail like that, my flow was stopped completely dead. and I scrapped the story. I have done this about 3 times now and eventually got the idea I am using now - No names, No place names.
"That is a terrible idea! How can nothing have a name?" I (predict to) hear you cry. Well fear not, it doesn't mean that. What I am doing in this story is using just the letter X for names. At first this was fine until more than one person was mentioned so I have developed a system. The main character is X0, his parents are X0mum and X0dad. The city he lives in is Xplace1 and anyone else will be something like X1enemytoX0 or X5petofX1. I am hoping it works out okay and I don't get too muddled up with who everyone is. But, the main point I have found with doing it this way is I can write for quite a while with no mental blocks and the ideas flow just like a rant. I do get sidetracked in the story itself but I think that fits in with the style of it and I am hoping to get a good chunk added to it soon.
I may post chapters on here as I do them or I may wait until I get to some kind of conclusion but we shall see how it goes.
I also wanted to point out how useful it is doing it as a blog. I can access it from any computer or even from my phone when I have an idea, note it down at the bottom and its saved online for me to access from wherever I want. Woo hoo, and all that.
In other news,
I recently found my old hard drive and plugged it in to get a document off (I don't mean documents get their kicks out of hard drives being plugged in, I meant to remove a file from it. You never know though, who can say what documents get up to in their own time). AND I decided to have a look through my music files. There was quite a lot. The thing I found was the main music directory with all the playlists in but then separate sub folders with lists of the actual songs in. Instead of organising them, any music I got at a certain time went into a folder with a name like "new Music", "More new Music", Music Temp" and so on. The great thing I found was that as I looked through the lists of songs for each folder I could remember what was happening in my life at around that time, one list reminded me of Uni, One of before I had went another from living in different places. I could remember things I hadn't thought about since that time, we never truly forget anything, we just need the right trigger to re-awaken the memory. I think they say smell is the best trigger for memory recall, and I would have to agree. Just the slightest hint of someone's perfume that was the same as one of my primary school teachers can remind me of that person, then the classroom, then the school, then other teacher, then friends, lessons and lots of other things you did there. It also brings back such a wave of the emotions you felt at that time. Its crazy to think what you could do with the smell, the sound and a picture of a point in your past. How much detail could you recall? You see people returning to their old school many years later and all the memories that swarm back to them...
Memory, brilliant. The human brain is bloody amazing, it just boggles my brain trying to understand my brain. Can your brain understand itself? A fish doesn't know it is wet because it has never been dry. How can me know something about ourself if we haven't already known it? Urgh.... time for a lie down... and listen to some music.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Where am I 2
So, after creating part 2 of my laser pen dreeeeam, I decided to have a look back over earlier notes such as the point about not finding myself (no spiritual journey, and especially no video evidence of me skulking around lost on a beach deeply searching for the answers to my soul and my being upon this vast planet, centre of my universe, blacker than black, lost to oblivion, mid life crisis movie. Just couldn't find my blog by searching google)
Well I figured I would have another look since I now have more than one little bla bla blog and to my joy there I was. I searched welcometothespa, It did suggest it with spaces in but I said "no google, no, I want no spaces since that is how I first presented it to you", and after 3 Twitter accounts and 2 other things I was listed 3 times.
A litte bit of a victory for me I think... Well not really a victory more an advancement that was obviously going to happen, things grow they get noticed more. No, I think a true victory would be when you search your own full name and you are the first result even when you search google images, maps and shopping! We've all done it, if not then you should, you might be first. You never no unless you try.
It isn't difficult to turn IMPOSSIBLE into I'M POSSIBLE. (thank you gitaroo man, "the last gitaroo is mine! Can I eat it?)
I am off to buy a new copy of Gitaroo Man on whatever platform it is availble now.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Sleepy? There is a nap for that.
So yes, there is an app for pretty much everything you could need. And indeed it would appear there is an app for blogging, which makes it easier to do at random times but also allows me to post a photo too. Fair enough I could add images on the computer but now I can post a photo of exactly what my phone can see as I am writing this.
Yup, its exciting I know, my floor, foot and a bit of leg. But this is technological advancement. The whole face time, instant messages we still take for granted... You can have a face to face conversation with someone on the other side of the world, on your phone, that little thing you carry round with you. Imagine telling that to someone 10 years ago, my phone didn't even have a colour screen 10 years ago. Yes we would have accepted that it was going to be a feature on expensive phones owned by the super rich and obviously to super villains but to have that power ourselves was unthinkable.
Then, when it came along it was no big deal, yup there it was, it is now a feature on your mobile, but everywhere had it... All at once, phones, laptops, computers, doorbells. Your mobile suddenly became the most powerful piece of technology to date. A computer in your hands, there is no limit to what you can do with your phone, none! Unless you have an iPhone, for some reason you still can't create your own ring tone, you have to choose one of the presets, and you have to get everything off iTunes. Anyway my point is - blog random times, blog up to date photos, super technology, great phones, picture of a pipe-cleaner.
Ok, maybe not that great, took 3 attempts to publish from the phone... Publish failed... Publish failed. Don't know if it is a status update or a judgement.
Just off my head 2
Ok, so the whole laser pointer thing still has me amazed but thanks to a lovely friend I was sent this article. Lasers.... the moon.... possible illumination or possible destruction. Most likely destruction.
I would copy and paste the entire article into the blog but is has some stick figure images that won't copy and they are relevant, and nice. I like the little stick people, wherever they appear.
So here it is.
Monday, 8 October 2012
Its one of those days
Do you ever have those days when you think it would be better to find a hole, climb in, pop a lid on and pretend its a better life sitting in a hole with a lid on till everything else is gone. Then when you pop up out the hole it is going to be a wonderful new land of people who treat each other with respect. Greed is replaced with generosity and people are no longer just a bunch of cunts.
But no, because you would be dead by then. You cant exist in a hole no more than you can exist in a world where you scrape what you can from where you can to survive only to have someone come along and crush your fingers under their boot and take what you have because its how they have decided it should be. Do we stand up against them? No. We do what I am doing, we complain in private under false names on the safety of a world that doesn't exist. We use the cover of the internet to post how much we had a shit day, how much whatshisname has screwed us over or made us feel upset.
We make groups "like this to group to pretend-you-give-a-shit-about-the-world-and-claim-you-make-a-difference" or "save our heroes" or "make David Tennant prime minister". None of this will make a difference, your virtual world of hopes and lies cannot change the real world. You are still being suppressed.
Wait, we cant do that either. What happens to the people who stand up to make a difference? What happens to the protesters? What happens if you are sick of your job and decide to stand up to it?
You get fucked up. You get locked up. You get kicked out.
"Sir, there are protesters camping outside"
"Stop them, they're getting in the way of my money, they are breaking the law"
"What law sir?"
"The law we created. They are on my land!"
"but sir, its a piece of land, who did you get ownership of it from?"
"I bought it"
"Who did that person get it from?"
"They must have bought it too"
"Who did they get it from, and they from and they from?"
"They... they..."
"Some one at one point decided it was theirs and took someone else's money from them, they stole their money, sir"
"But I own it"
"You own stolen land sir, There is no real ownership of anything when you have money involved"
"I will get the tent and find you a nice spot down there sir"
How can you make a difference?
I don't know.
How did they used to make a difference? They used their spirit, their heart, their expression.
Music, Performance, Art. Their souls and ideas made visible for the sour scrutiny of the real world.
Can you express yourself now? No because to express yourself in the world of art and performance you need to get yourself to the status of celebrity first before the world can judge you. You don't need to be able to do any of these things now, just get your pretty faces onto the genitals of another celebrity agent and they will fuck the "talent" into you with a lovely computer powered robocock.
Did robocop ever have a catchphrase? or was it just the walk we replicated?
I have watched so many films and played so many games that I can think of some pretty epic ways to sort out the world. None of them really do-able and none of them that will end in a good way.
You could try doing it their way, slowly work your way up to power and try to run the county.
You could try to do as they do, get everyone else's money through theft and lies and call it a business - live with plenty of cash and all you ever need.
Actually just steal what should have no cost anyway and be arrested under their system of laws and judgement. - live with what you basically need in a confined room for a while and then get watched (more than usual) for the rest of your life.
Burn the mother fuckers to the ground. Start everything from zero, everyone is equal and must work together to survive - You need a meal, you find someone with food and bargain, work for them, exchange for something they need, actual transactions. Not some fake shiny metal or paper that has no real value, no one needs a house full of coins and notes, we need a house full of food and furnishings, we need things to survive and exist, not some shitty I O U that will never amount to anything.
Dear World,
I am sorry to announce that there has been a terrible mistake. What we thought was intelligent life that can co-exist with your eco system and live peacefully on your surface, is not.
In fact they seem to have found a way to torture every possible form of life around, including it's own species, for financial gain, which we did not create. One of them at some point found something shiny which they thought was of the same "value" as 3 of your goats for example. The shiny stuff was then divided up and used to exchange for necessities to what ever imaginary value they came up with. This idea stuck and now all actions seem to revolve around (no pun intended) this shiny stuff, or more recently the imaginary memory of what the value of this stuff used to be. All their "money" doesn't actually exist, it is just numbers on a computer screen that equates to nothing that is real.
They have also been killing other creatures for food, which is fine, that's what we expected but they are not returning the favour. If any of your creatures so much as looks at them funny they kill it for the sake of killing, they even have some of them contained in "zoo's" where other can come and stare at them as they slowly die.
Any way, If you could create one of those massive floods or whatever, we can see about giving you a new sensible lot. Any problems, let us know and we will use the old Massive-Rocks-From-Space trick again, seemed to work well for those reptiles that went a bit crazy.
All The Best,
And to top it all, I am trying to eat more healthily and this plate of delicious home made sweetness gets put next to me.
I fuckin love chocolate! but I am not going to eat all of it... at once.
Don't kill anyone.
Friday, 5 October 2012
The Joy of Manners, A Beginners guide
As we all know, Manners are a great form of entertainment and should be used sparingly as to not overwhelm any others who may behold such an act.
We have evolved as a species to now disregard any form of manners and can work together and communicate through simple words, instead of those cumbersome "sentences" that slowed the process of getting what we desired and opened up doorways to the chance of horrific polite conversation and unnecessary exchanges of greetings and farewells.
Chapter 1.
The Shops.
Purchasing goods.
Before you rush off to test any methods of Non Manners on the public please be aware there are many places of work and businesses where they will use Manners upon you. The correct way to deal with this is to try to ignore any prefixes and suffixes that appear around the word of the product you wish to purchase. Another method is a blank dead stare into their face while they talk.
Ordering a product.
To order a product in our modern society you must first know the name of said product, be it a brand or category. The best Non Manners approach is the most base form of category e.g. "BEER", "CRISPS", "TICKET". The more accomplished among us have learned to cope with even the simplest "FOOD", "DRINK" or "UNGH".
First we will use a supermarket or grocery store as an example.
Here you are usually safe from Manners until it comes to the checkout, simply fill you basket/trolley with the desired goods and proceed to the checkouts with out making eye contact with anyone or acknowledging any advances in conversation. If you require any assistance with shopping we will cover what to do later on in the guide under "Getting Help While Remaining Unbreakabley Ignorant".
For those of us who have trained for many years, it is possible to get through a checkout transaction without any words spoken, for those starting out it is best to stick to simply saying "YES", "NO" or a vaguely positive or negative "UNGH".
You can also try to avoid awkward conversing by using "self-serve" checkouts. These are OK until you get errors with shopping , you are then thrust into conversing to hide possible embarrassment due to either your mistake or the computer error. Do not fear though, many of the people working at the "self-serve" checkouts to assist you have been trained not to use any words while they swipe their staff cards and punch the screen with full customer service joy.
You have survived a shopping trip, but there are more difficult businesses out there.
We will now use a pub as an example.
When purchasing a drink in a pub all you need to know is the drink you desire. Yes and No is not needed in places such as this. When greeted at the bar simply look for what you want to buy and state its name, ignore any forms of "Hello", "How are you?", if you are lucky you will be greeted by a silent emotionless face of one who, such as you, is educated in the ways of Non Manners. We are thankful for these few for when we meet one such as this a transaction is a s simple as 1. You state your desired drink. 2. The drink is poured. 3. They state the price, or on those extra special occasions simply hold out their hand. 4. the transaction is complete. (On extra, extra special occasions you will find such a person working in supermarkets).
Do not be put off by the "banter" you might receive from bar staff, it is usual for them to do this and inside they are really wanting to join your silence so just use the tried and tested dead stare and they will cease.
On many occasions a bar man may wait until you say the "Magic Word" of please before you can actually receive your drink, at these times it is best to give in and say the word because you are a tosser and should learn real manners.
Most of the time there is no need for you to use any of the overused "Hello", "How are you", Could I have...." and the final "Please" and "Thank You".
Enjoy your drinks, and don't forget the correct etiquette in pubs is to ignore everyone around you and if you need to get past someone simply press your body against them as you attempt to get past and they will move for you... because your the fucking king remember.
The Shops
Working in shops.
To work in any shop or business simply avoid the pleasantries of greetings and farewells. You should be able to get by with simple yes or no or the afore mentioned "UNGH". When working in the final stages of shopping transactions (the till) you may be required to state the price of the good purchased or as with the pub example you should be able to get away with a simple holding out of the hand in anticipation of money. This behaviour is also visible in many of the youths of today.
Chapter 2
Street Manners
When you walk around in public ignore everyone around you and... and..... and
I have had enough now, I was just going to do a little example of my annoyance at the lack of manners but as you may have seen I went on for a little bit. Chapter 2 for goodness sake. Street manners?? What?
I just don't understand why people cannot manage a simple hello before a conversation starts, just that one word helps me to proceed with the interaction that follows. Hi or something to do with any greeting would do.
Incident today - There are people about to do work on a building that is adjoined to my back yard. (eventually, its about to fall down and kill me). As I walked out my front door into the back yard (my front door is on the back, there is no front front door) and as work has just been done in my house the old sofa and a lot of big bags are in the yard. "Ere Mate" is what I hear over my headphone music. "Ooo's stuff is this?"
"well its mine, I just had work done and this is all to go to the tip"
"we're starting work next week and there's gonna be scafolding put up here"
My brain just goes into reclusive natural response and I say "Ok, I will see if I can get it moved in time".
Now, because of the crumbling wall there is a cheap bamboo fence in front of the other building held up by the sofa and I notice this is now bent over and flattened in the middle and there is a gentlemen on the other side measuring the crumbling wall, now he didn't appear on that side, he just squashed it and climbed over it.
It is quite clear who's house is next to this yard, its the only door there, I have a doorbell and a door knocker so its not difficult to hail me by my front entrance (ooh err) so why not just ask. I would have gladly moved the fence and sofa if they had only asked before hand. And the fact that I have been given no notice to this work that is taking place in my yard next week, what hours are they going to be working, I am going to be woken up at bollock o clock in the morning? is the passage that leads to my door going to be blocked? I do need to get in and out of my house for work. Its just plain rude and lazy.
And that is only the latest of the manners rant. There will probably be many more.
Please, remember your manners, its only good manners to do so. It makes everyone's life that little bit easier and more pleasant.
Thank you.
Yes, I might at one point I might write the rest of the Joy of Manners.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Just off my head
I think laser pointers/pens, whatever you would like to call them, are great.
Yeah, they can blind you but that's why you don't look into the laser bit.
Now, as far as I know with my scientific knowledge, the red dot doesn't fade, it just keeps going, right?
Now is anyone else amazed by this? Three little watch batteries in a shiny little pen create a straight red line of light that goes on forever. Obviously there is the speed of light to consider, but does that mean you could shine it on the moon? I am guessing you would have to work out where the moon is going to be in the future (about 8 minutes I think, or is that the light from the sun reaching us? I can't remember. Anyway...) and shine the pointer to that spot. Then look through with a really powerful telescope for a red dot the size of a pea to appear on the surface (or does the laser dot increase in size as it travels, like a torch beam only with a narrower cone of increas-ion/tion/ingness?).
My point is along the line of "from tiny acorns grow mighty oaks" only less leafy and woody. This little thing is capable of such greatness a (possible) red dot on the side of the moon, and who knows how much further, the end of the universe maybe, round the universe and back into my eye maybe. All from a thing the size of my finger powered by less than it takes to power an electric toothbrush.
You could light up a dark corner of the universe with it but it isn't powerful enough to make your car go from A to A and a half. And its invisible until it touches something.
I am guessing dust and debris will disrupt the beam, but until it hits a solid stationary object it will just keep going.... forever. !_!
Now, I can comprehend that little dot travelling through space until it hits something but I still can't work out how Vinyl works.
There is a tiny little microphone, I know that. There are grooves and bumps on the vinyl itself, I know that. The microphone goes in the grooves and over the bumps, I know that.
Sound comes out that is not the sound of a microphone being dragged over a plasticy surface, I don't understand that. How can the bumps on the record create the sound of a full band performing to a live audience with the boom of the drums, the yell of the crowd and the rasp of the singer all come through as if it were there. I understand the way CD works, laser (laaaaser) picks up digital data and plays it digitally, but its a microphone bumping away and it sounds like some one singing, or anything at all!
What really boggles my mind is when I try to picture how it was recorded.... boggles.
And Cassettes, bloody hell.
I have to go and lie down.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Where am I
Vent No. 1. Why cant I find myself?
Fair enough if I search my name, or whatever more specific version of it I think will yeald a more satisfactory google result, I get zero results that are actually about me or I scroll down 20 pages in images to reveal a picture that I used as my profile picture on MySpace (ooooooh).
I do expect to find my firts ever blog by searching for it by name.... nothing, hmmm. I will search for my name Alex Alexander... nothing, Alex Alexander Blog... nothing, alex alexander blogSPOT... nothing and so on. I get plenty other Alex Alexanders, which I expect so I think try typing Firts Blog.... yeah there's a few of them too.
Ok lets be a bit more specific but not go the full hog - welcometothespa... nope lots of people use that too, go a bit more specific and add blog. Only 2 results, both for some ones twitter, not me.
welcometothespa.blog nothing like the letters welcometothespa.blog in the results.
Right google, last act of faith, I will search for welcometothespa.blogspot.com the actual web address you gave me that if I type into the address bar will take me to the blog I wrote.....
Aaaand nothing, Spa Mom, Spa Whore, Cancer Shmancer, Wonderful Chill Out Music Africa Asia Oriental, not me. The exact letters in the exact order to find the blog through the address bar and it doesn't even come near to it on the search engine. Boo hoo.
Oh well, thanks Google, I am going to go and cry into a sandwich now. blog blog blog.
Here's one to start with
Secondly, Yes it says Firts.
It was spelled wrong by mistake, mistakes happen and to be honest it isn't that big a mistake, it's not like as soon as I wrote Firts all the tires near by were replaced with nukes. Nothing bad is really going to come of it, horses, puppies, kittens, chocolate still exist with the misspelling of words on the internet, sometimes people just don't have the time to check over what they have written and in the end it still makes sense.
Yuo cna sitll raed tihs, adn aer azmead ervey tmie yuo do it on fceoaobk or aynhewre esle caimlnig taht is't smoe knid of speur pwoer. Tehse popele nveer gte croretced wtih "you said Cats intsead of Cat's, moron." Yuo jsut sikm oevr it adn mvoe on.
UH OH, here the come...... "Halt! you typed YOU'RE instead of YOUR! What are you playing at, this is the Internet, didn't you learn grammatical correctness before you came here!"
My response is, read it out loud to you'reself as if it were me speaking it to you and then pick out the errors, you cant because they both go Y-O-R, thank you english language.
If you do write anything that has your or you're used in the wrong place, I don't mind, I will know what you mean. In fact any corrected grammatical or spelling errors aren't going to solve anything in the long run, seriously, this is the internet, the home of 2 females and 1 drinking vessel, nobody told them they were doing it wrong.
This will probably end up me just talking to myself in long winded and going-no-where kind of ways.
and latsly, bye for now,
(not alcoholics anonymous. Alex Alexander or 2 telegraph pylons or 2 mountains, whatever A A looks like to you. If you look OK in a different way it looks like a stickman on his side.)