Thursday, 1 November 2012

Straight outa Faceworld

I do swear a lot in this one.

Right Subject 1. Star Wars sold to Disney, this IS the worst news about Star Wars. So why am I seeing articles by rather young looking people saying it is actually good news for star wars fans. This little prick could not have been around before the pile of shite that was episode 1. If it was such good news why is everyone saying what a fuckin disaster it is, if it was good news we wouldn't need to be told " Hey, this is good news" we could see it for ourselves. If something happens to any product and the majority of the fans think it is a shit move then, guess what - Its a shit move and NOT good news for the fans.
Yes, Disney has bucket loads of cash and can revamp anything but look at what happened when the new trilogy came along Episodes 1,2 and 3 were amazing looking, the technology and cities were astounding and every film increased in technological advancement and R2D2 could fuckin fly. Then we take a step into the future - Episode 4, 5 and 6 and..... everything looks shit in comparison, Jedi's cant fight with any kind of style - fair enough they have been out of practice but they look like they can hardly hold that beam of light, the real ships and backgrounds look fake compared to the fake ones from Ep 1,2 and 3 and R2D2.... R2D2 is practically some drunken hobo in a special bin whizzing around like who-the-fuck-knows what.
I am not against the fact that it is Disney that has bought it, just look at any Disney Pixar film, they make good films, very very good family films, it is the fact that any company with all the big bucks taking over the project that was created by George back in the 70's will fuck it up with modern techniques. That's another thing, All these people who are saying how good it is to take it out of his hands can get to fuck. He created it, yes he can do what he likes with it but those first 3 were epic at the time and the best option would be to start from scratch. Things change. I mean, Heath Ledgers Joker was the greatest thing we had seen for some time and people were saying stuff like " Haha Jack Nicholson, bet he wished he had done that" and other things similar but if you look at Jacks performance it is superb, it is actually closer to the comic book character of The Joker. Heaths performance was so great because it was The Joker for our modern day and I absolutely loved it. The difference is the time, at the time of Jack that was the Joker but in our time Heath was the Joker and in the future, who knows, it could be Zac Efron and people would go ape shit over how good it was.
My point being, If they make episode 7 it is going to destroy the original trilogy even more 1,2,3 super technology, 4,5,6 back to the 70's, 7 onwards even superer technological. And who is going to play Luke and Han and Leia because it sure as hell ain't gonna be Mark, Han and Carrie.
I say give it to someone like Del Toro and start from the beginning.

Subject 2 (the controversial bastard subject)
Jimmy Saville. I DO NOT CONDONE WHAT HE DID, get that straight now. But he got away with it and he did because of who he was.
All these witnesses who are appearing now saying "I saw Jimmy doing this...", "I saw Jimmy going here with so and so", "I saw Jimmy taking people to ....", "Here is a video of Jimmy doing whatever with Whoever" Why didn't you say anything?
Why? Because it was mutha-fuckin Sir Jimmy Saville. He was a huge celebrity, who the fuck was going to tell on him, anyone who was close to him loved him and anyone who didn't care about him didn't know what he was doing anyway. It's like if you get caught in the street with a spec of whatever-drug-you-have at the time and you are completely fucked over and your life is ruined forever. But if you are a celebrity, oh if only you were a celebrity,  you could parade around with whatever drugs you like hanging out your arsehole while you danced naked down the street thinking you were in the wizard of fuckin Oz and no one would do anything. How many times do you see news on celebrityX off their face again, or abusing whoever, drugged out their tits with celebrityY over and over again. Oh, celebrityA and B back in rehab, out of rehab, back in rehab. Take their fuckin drugs off them and stop giving them money or let everyone else do the same, if its illegal for people with no money its illegal for people with shit loads of money.... or are the government making money out of this? Is it illegal for the poor because they aren't making any profit from it.
Celebrities get away with everything because of who they are but every now and then, they need a scapegoat/fall guy to blame for some terrible act that happens. They distract you from one disaster with another. Whatever happened about all those thousands of birds and fish that were found dead one January? They don't know so a bigger news story was plastered everywhere.
Christ if some famous person asked me to do something, I would at least consider it.

"...and he smiled like the old Pumpkin King that I knew,
 then turned and asked softly of me... wouldn't you?"


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