Friday, 9 November 2012

I didnt bob.

First of all.

I didn't bob for no god damn apples! Nowhere had any apple bobbing for my to join in. I don't have any apples at home just now so when I get there I will have to make do with bobbing for some carrots in the sink. That isn't a euphemism for ... you know.."bobbing".., if it were I would have probably done this => I will have to make do with "BOBBING" for some "CARROTS" in "THE SINK", slightly less subtle I admit but since it wasn't a euphemism I ain't losin no sleep over it.

It comes to a point when I notice that Mr. Tummytum needs to decrease a little bit and I have came to that point.
I am very happy with my shape and size, also very comfortable and quite healthy I would say, but recent events make me want to trim down a tad.
First point - I am currently doing a show which has come to involve having a calender made to accompany it and so I am in this calender. Now it does involve the lack of clothes in the photo and since people were going to be looking I thought this would be a good time to trim and slim and eat less chocolate - (I chocking love chocolate)

Second point - top button. The top button of my jeans, bloody thing.
- I do want to point out that they weren't expensive jeans, some of the seams are already slightly loose and I have only had them a few months, just bear that in mind as you continue. -
My jeans fit fine and don't fall off when I am not wearing a belt but you know when you have been sitting down and lounging and they move slightly higher - closer to your belly button, well they did that and then I sat up and leaned forward so naturally my tummy pushed against the front of the jeans and it broke. The little metal button that goes through eye of fabric broke. If you know the design of these buttons you will know that there is a sharp nail-like part that comes through and then the front part attaches to that like so............
 But the spike on the rivet goes through the jeans first then into the pin and that is what hold it together. You get it now?
Well that popped in two meaning the rivet and the button were separate :(
You can easily re-attach then by pushing them together but now, now you see there is a weakness and every time the jeans pull on it they pop in to two.
It might be helping because as I am wearing them I walk around holding my stomach in which feels like its working the muscles, but I doubt it really has an effect at all.

So to combat this I thought "first of all I shall half my food intake and do more exercise" so I did. It worked fine, I didn't starve myself, I didn't overwork myself and overall I feel a bit better.
But then, your sitting down and you sneeze - pop button in half, curse you weakened rivet, oooh.

Did I mention I love chocolate? I did? *sigh* well I do. I decided to only have one piece of chocolate a day, and I made sure it was a nice dark chocolate. I did think of lying to myself and eating a massive bar and saying "yep, that was only one piece" but I didn't. I stayed strong.
I do love chocolate.
I managed really well and mostly still am.

The point I am really aiming to make out of this whole blurble is that as I sit here at work there is a tray of confectionery in front of me and its Friday so guess what? I bought a chuffing bar of choccy. And do you know what else? It was a regular size 49g dairy milk bar, there was a smaller thinner one there but I openly said to it - "piss off, its friday and you...are...smaaall".
I didn't eat it straight away, I just opened it right up and set it down under my nose and all I could do was smell it. Then after a while you break one bit off and smell it, go to put it in your mouth but DON'T! put it back down where it was and wait. (I am recommending you all try this). What happens is that after the anticipation of wanting to eat it and the physical act of lifting it to your mouth your body just expects to eat it. The smell starts you salivating but as you stop yourself eating it you feel a pull in your jowls or whatever they are. Its like a really sweet bit of lime - find a bar that does a nice Chamaretto Sours, that gives the same effect but after you have drank it rather than before you have eaten it.
So after you have done that lift, replace and wait you can eat it. I managed to do this with two pieces before I just jammed the rest in.
There are so many additives and crazy stuff in dairy milk, if you by proper hand made chocolate from a good local shop (there is one very near me.... chooooocolaaate) it tastes amazing but doesn't give you that buzzyness you seem to get from this stuff. ZING.

Anyway, what I am saying is, I am not supposed top be eating a lot of chocolate but it was Friday, it was there and I bloody ate it. Viva La Chocolat! Blummin' Yum and all that.


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