Tuesday, 13 November 2012

David Jones is a Spinner

David Jones was made up the stuff that makes you spin,
Everyone else was made up of the stuff that makes you whizz.
It is never easy being the only spinner in a whizzing world
but David tried hard to blend in and carry on.
He got a job in a wool business spinning wool,
"if he couldn't spin himself he could spin something else" he thought.
As all the other workers whizzed along spinning their wool
David spun along spinning his wool and naturally he was the best at this.
Soon he was offered the title of Head of Wool Spinning,
he would be the man in charge of the business,
he would sit in his office and overlook the other spinners.
David declined the offer,
too much whizz for him.
How could he sit there spinning himself while whizzers tried to spin for real.
No one knew he was not a whizzer,
how could they understand that he was completely different from them.
A fish does not know it is wet because it has never been dry.
A whizzer does not know it whizzes because it has never spun.

After his job in the wool business David moved onto bigger things,
he danced,
he spun plates,
he made candy floss,
he made pizza,
he was a D J,
he did everything he found that made use of his spinning
but he was never satisfied.
They always felt like unfinished tasks
like the unspoonable dregs of soup in the bottom of the bowl,
like the last slurp of a milkshake in the glass that the straw just wouldn't suck up.
David felt incomplete,
everyday felt like the gurgle of an empty stomach even though he was full.

David was not alone,
David had many friends,
David was loved by everyone he met.
Whizzers were drawn to him,
they revelled in his company,
intrigued by something they didn't know they didn't know.
David couldn't describe to them what he was,
he rarely tried because it was confusing.
How can you tell someone who whizzes how it feels to not whizz
how could they understand how it was to be what they are not.

David continued his life spinning with the whizzers.
He met Joanne Davids,
A whizzer who worked in a garage fixing cars.
They lived together but were never married.

As David grew older he accepted he was different,
he kept his spinning to himself,
trying to live as the others do,
trying to whiz with everyone else.
Every night and every morning David would go into the bathroom,
away from everyone else
and he would just spin on the spot quietly for a few minutes.
His hunger was fed but not filled.

One September the weather became very different from the usual,
the clouds rolled like black lava,
the rain cascaded from the sky,
the seas tumbled like huge moving mountains
and the thunder could be felt from the deepest depths of peoples being.
Astronomers announced that
"a meteor capable of destroying the earth is headed straight for us"
They had been tracking it for a long time
but solar winds had re-directed it.

Now the whizzers all did what they knew they could do,
they whizzed to help here,
they whizzed to help there,
they whizzed to fix this
and they whizzed to fix that.
Everyone got what they needed because they all whizzed together.

But the rock was still heading towards them
and the rain came harder.

They whizzed to build this
and that,
and move this
and that.
Everyone was safe and protected.

But the rock was still heading towards them
and the thunder boomed louder.

They whizzed to create this,
 to destroy that,
 to save their homes.
Everyone whizzed together a mission to destroy the rock.

But the rock was still heading towards them
and the wind blew harder than ever.

As the whizzers constructed their rocket to fly into space David watched with Joanne.
All the world watched as the rocket was brought out ready to launch.

The rocket blasted off,
heading straight and true.

But the winds were too strong,
the storm was too severe.
The rocket,
their hope,
was torn out of the sky and smashed into the ocean where it detonated with an ground shaking rumble.
The waves and echo caused by the explosion were quickly eaten up by the sound and severity of the storm.

The world waited,
The whizzers all waited
and David,
the spinner,

There was no way they could hope to get through the storm and stop that rock now.
Masses of people flocked together in one place,
being close together for the end was the best way they could think of ending.
Huge party's were had all over the world celebrating life up till this point,
if they were going to go out with a bang,
they were going to go out with a big bang.

As the time drew closer to that fateful day David felt that pull of hunger inside him
and he spun on the spot.
He spun in private and he was fed.

Thursday came,
the day when the world would begin to collapse.
David awoke next to Joanne,
David walked into the bathroom and spun.
David was not hungry,
David was a spinner and he spun.

At the moment he was full and he spun.
All was clear to him and he spun.

David went into the bedroom to wake Joanne and he spun.
" I am a spinner not a whizzer" he said
" I love you Joanne and I am sorry but I must go now" and he spun out the door.

People who were all watching the sky from their houses saw David spinning in the street.
He danced and spun,
dodging the gusts of wind and debris as if they were not there.
A few whizzers tried to run to him thinking he was being swept away in the wind
but they were blown back by the gusts.
David danced through the currents
and people watched him as he made his way gracefully through the city.

"I AM A SPINNER NOT A WHIZZER" he shouted as more and more people saw him.
David spun his way towards the mountain outside the city,
David spun his way to the tallest peak and shouted louder than the wind,
louder than the roar of the oceans,
louder than the crack of the thunder,

and he spun,
and spun
and spun.

David smiled the largest smile that had ever been smiled,
David cried the loudest cry that had ever been cried,
David laughed the loudest laugh that had ever been laughed
and he spun.

An enormous hurricane began to form around him,
the winds changed as he spun,
the clouds cleared as he spun
and for the first time the massive rock was visible to all.
David spun faster and faster
and the hurricane grew upwards from him until it reached the terrible rock,
the rock moved,
the rock turned
and now the rock spun
and David spun.
The rock was pulled down into the hurricane.
The crunching and cracking sounds could be heard from all the corners of the world,
They grew and grew,
crunching louder and louder,

They stopped.
The wind began to slow,
the hurricane slowly disappeared
and a funnel of dust exploded out covering everything around.

The whizzers emerged from their homes,
everything was quiet.
They made their way up to the mountain,
up to the peak.

There was nothing there.
A hole roughly 1 meter deep and perfectly round was all that could be seen.
David Jones had gone.

There is a statue of him now,
one in each city in fact.
"This is David Jones who was a spinner"
is what it says on the plaques as it slowly spins for all to see.

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