Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Spontaiousicus Instantanicus

Breast Obsessed!
Every where you look they are there. Adverts, news, shops, quite clearly they are on women.. duh, on peoples clothes, you cant escape. They are just there. "Quick look away!" oh wait there are more there! They way they make clothes too, "here... have a bag... oh that... no, don't worry, that's just the strap that goes over your shoulder and completely accentuates the shape of them."
"ah yes madam, this t shirt has been very popular... the owl/bird/picture/slogan is doing very well... yes the 2 round parts of the design are exactly where your boobs are and will of course draw attention right to them. Enjoy"

Why do they have ladies in their underwear to advertise underwear, its not like they are trying to appeal to men. "Hey Big bOy, you would look as sexy as me in these tights, Mwa" (that's like that slow kissing sound when they mouth it, you know moowa, moowa. go back and read that line again but use the sound of a kiss noise at the end not just em double-you a. it sounds better that way)



A A - look, A A looks like Madonna-pointy-boobie-thing. (*everywhere*)

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