Tuesday, 21 January 2014

I heard a rumour that 2014 is actually a man in a 2014's clothes

Its true, the complete truth, you cant deny it, I definitely heard a rumour.
Doesn't mean the rumour is true but I heard it.

What is more unbelievable is the fact that its 2014, its like time is getting faster as we get older but then I got to thinking. Time is based on the passage of events in the past all leading up the the present... or are they. Is there really a past, present and future?
We look at the sun and we see it about what?  8 minutes in the past? anyway, its not actually where we are looking, some of the stars we see in the night sky could actually have died and we are seeing their light from thousands of years ago, so the further away we look the further back in time we see. If we looked through a telescope at a mirror a long, long way off in space we could see the dinosaurs instead of ourselves on the earth. WHAT!? Imagine if there was already a mirror somewhere out there! We could actually look back into the past and find out what really happened at some of the hugely significant events of our time. But there isn't a mirror out there and probably not a powerful enough telescope.
What if we sent mirrors out now so in the future they could look back to the past.
So you can look back into the past but you cant travel back to the past. If you could travel back in time it would already have happened. To travel back in time you would have to... travel slower than the speed of light? No wait, it would be travel faster than the speed of light :S
If something happens faster than light it means it will happen before we can observe it... if you have a button that, when pressed, instantly makes a bell ding and the process happens faster than the speed of light then the bell will ding quicker than instantly, like before you have pressed the button! What would happen if the bell dinged and you didn't press the button PPPOOOOWWW! end of world.

All my comprehension is based on our reality that is based on light, the beginning of our time is measured by light. The entire universal knowledge is around the rules of how things act and behave within the laws of light. If there are things that exist faster than light then they would be separate from our time, they can move before we can understand that they have done so. Superman, he can move a super speed. He can walk, jog, run and move at super speed. Can he walk, jog and run at different super speeds too? Can he stand still at super speed? If Superman as running at normal speed but then wanted to change to super speed would he still be running at the same speed but everything else slowed down, if not then he would probably run through things, imagine trying to dodge things at super speed, CRASH, BANG, BOOF. If he actually slowed down time instead of went super speed then the super speed is only what we see. If it took you three hours to run X amount miles then it would still take Superman 3 hours to run that same distance but to him the world was frozen still and to an observer he travelled super fast. Poor thing.
Oh yeah, light speed travelling, I haven't even thought about travelling slower than the speed of light, then you would go forward in time, right? Cryogenics, frozen so you wake up in the future, to us the correct amount of time has passed but Walt Disney has already got his hover-board and robot body. To him, the moment of freezing and unfreezing would be instantaneous. That is the closest to slower than the speed of light I can think of. Unconsciousness, sleeping, time travels quicker that way.
There is a way to work forward time travel into our lives, it is a very mental process. (mental and mental). If you make a very prominent memory of the exact moment in time you are in, take a note of smells, sounds, location, people you are with, everything you can and that is your start point, this is the present. Now say for example you wanted to travel forward a week, just go about your week as normal and try not to think about, then when the day has come you wanted to travel to simply think back to your start point remembering the details as clear as they were at that point, that present and then realise that you are now in the present but a week later. The time between the 2 points has past in what seems like an instant. I know it sounds like a dose of crap "oorg, I have to actually experience the whole week, its not really time travel", well no its not but the effect is the same, try it, actually give it all your attention creating that start point and realising how little time seems to have passed when you do it.
I noticed this when I was passing the High School I used to go to and I remembered passing it when I was still in first school and at that moment all the time in between that, going to Middle School, High School and College just seemed to pass instantly. Superman, travelling normal running speed while the earth stands still for him, if he flew round the world he has to take all the time to do it. It's just faster than us. That's if he does slow down time, he might just know where building and things are, urg, imagine if he just flew at super speed through the person you were talking to, splat.

If we were travelling faster than the speed of light everything would just be red because infra-red is faster than white light, then ultra-violet is faster than infa-red and so on through the spectrum. Then you kept going all the way to the end of the spectrum and everything was just milk...


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