Thursday, 6 February 2014

Hi Folks

I have realised I haven't directly acknowledged you people out there, I usually write as though I am talking to someone but never address you directly.


I am Alex Alexander (sorry, I am a liar, that's not even my real name). I write stuff down that comes into my head. I know that not a lot of people read this stuff and I am fine with that because as you have noticed (being the reader) it is mainly a brain rant or, like I said a long time ago, something like an online pensieve (the memory puddle thing in Harry Potter).
So, I would just like to take this moment to thank you for perusing my thoughts but also to ask you something.
If you have used Blogger you will know that it shows the locations of people who view the blog and I notice that I get people from the USA and Germany having a look. Now, I don't know if that is correct or just the location the internet pings from or other technical bimble babble but I would like to ask you, the reader, to just give me a little comment with something like a hello and a vague location. The country you're in would do, I'm not tying to hunt you down or anything, just curious.
And you know what they say "Curiosity killed the cat and Satisfaction brought her back", so.... you know,.... if you don't tell me, then... in a way.... you want me to die....I'm just saying... I was curious and I don't particularly want to die.

If you want to ask me anything as well then go ahead.

Yay internet, wooo, and-all-that.